Finding Sunflowers In Paris (My trip to my first Sunflower Field)

Instead of buying me a bouquet of flowers, my boyfriend, Kameron, took me to a sunflower field!

When I visit Kameron, he always has something cool planned just for me! He supports my blogging adventures and even helps me create content for you all. Im this case, he took me to L & A Family Farms located in Paris, Illinois where I got to frolic in a field of sunflowers! CLICK HERE to check out their website!

To get to the sunflower fields, you had to hike a short trail. They had a tractor if you didn’t want to walk but it was a nice trail. I just wasn’t expecting there to be a lot of walking, so be prepared for that if you plan on visiting. I had to carry my equipment and, luckily, I had Kameron there to hold my hand for balance in a couple areas since I wasn’t wearing hiking boots! Some areas had lots of rocks. Kameron got a shot of me while walking down the path (See Below)

Along the way, we passed a couple chicken coops filled with Road Island Reds and a few gardens, which were pretty.

The first two fields of sunflowers were drooping but I was hopeful that the last field was still pretty for some pictures. I was happy to discover they were still beautiful! You just had to stand the right way! We visited on the LAST DAY the sunflower fields were open. Talk about last minute! Kameron and I had a blast taking fun photos laughing the whole time!

It was a hot, humid day but the perfect overcast for photography! We couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful day in the sunflower fields! Being really thirsty and hot on the last day the sunflower fields were open, we bought an orange shake up from their stand, which hit the spot!

For links to my full look, tap on the pictures below:

Hope you enjoyed our adventure exploring the sunflower fields of Paris, Illinois! Comment below for any further questions or share your sunflower adventures with me! Love hearing from you all!


  1. I’m so jealous!!! 🌻 But I’m super happy for you, and you and Kameron look so happy. 😊😁 You’re also super adorable. 💃🏼 Loved your blog post!🌻
    Looking up by grace,

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